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Cretan Leathers

10pm Saturday night. I try to publish a post every Friday morning for the Fine Leatherworking blog. On most Thursday nights I am doing final edits and then queuing the post for our newsletter and our blog. Two days later, I have long since blown that deadline. I will eventually end up posting a week later but the results will be worth it. In my previous post, I wrote about unsticking yourself on project, for me that project is making shoes. What I advise on our blog is born out of what I do for myself and to get unstuck with my own situation that meant making a pair of sandals. Making a pair of sandals was meant to be a learning project so that I could work up to shoes and definitely learned a lot in making just one pair. Like many of my readers, making leatherworking can be a deeply engrossing endeavor and crafting sandals had been no exception. In today’s post, I’m going to show you how I built these sandals but first here’s the result.